What We Love to Do In, On, and Around Water: Works by Students from The Saint David's School
445 Park Ave, New York, NY 10022
This fund was established to honor the legacy of Doris Sirow by ensuring that the Child Mind Institute Student Art Program continues to give local schoolchildren the opportunity to display their artwork in the halls and public spaces of the Child Mind Institute creating a warm and inviting environment for patients and their families.
About the Exhibit
Second grade art students at Saint David’s School were asked to recall happy memories around the theme of water and to create a detailed and colorful picture depicting that memory. With their teachers, Maria Valdes and Melanie Fidler, they first viewed and discussed works around the subject of water by Hokusai, Homer, Monet, and Seurat and explored art concepts such as landscape, horizon line, overlapping, foreground, middle ground, and background. They also learned about how color can create a mood in a picture. Boys began by making small preparatory sketches to plan and refine their ideas before using crayon and watercolor to create these joyful scenes.
About the Student Art Project
The Child Mind Institute believes the arts are critical to child development and academic success. They promote self-esteem and provide opportunities for self-expression. Four times a year the Child Mind Institute invites public and independent schools to participate in our Student Art Project, a gallery program dedicated to displaying works of art created by student artists. We invite schools to prepare an exhibition for our gallery based on a theme chosen by their art teachers. Student pieces are displayed prominently and each exhibition launches with an opening reception for student artists, their families, and the entire school community, hosted by the Child Mind Institute.
If your child’s school would like to participate in a future gallery show, please contact Angela Gage, the Student Art Project Curator, at 646.646.625 or angela.gage@childmind.org. Art teachers are also welcome to contact us on behalf of their students.