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Positive Parenting, Thriving Kids
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Positive Parenting, 
Thriving Kids

A series of free videos and print resources with practical, evidence-based information and skills to address your most common parenting challenges.

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Supported by the state of California

Building off the success of Healthy Minds, Thriving Kids, the Positive Parenting, Thriving Kids Project is the second child mental health campaign funded by the state of California in partnership with the Child Mind Institute.

With support from California Governor Gavin Newsom, First Partner Jennifer Siebel Newsom, and the Department of Health Care Services, these videos are designed to help every parent and caregiver in California and beyond support their kids’ mental health and self-esteem in today’s stressful world.

Why the Positive Parenting, Thriving Kids Project?


We all want to help our kids thrive, but sometimes it’s hard to know how. When you run into parenting challenges, having reliable guidance to turn to can make a big difference. 


“I want my children to succeed in lifeand help prepare them with a healthy amount of selfesteem and selfworth.” 


85 percent of California parents and caregivers agree they would benefit from resources to support their child/teen when they show signs of stress or anxiety.

What does the Positive Parenting, Thriving Kids Project include?

This series of 20 videos features more than 150 caregivers, kids, and experts talking about some of the most pressing, confusing, and challenging questions that parents face.  

Like you, we want to help boost your kids’ resilience and well-being, so this series covers a wide range of topics, including schoolwork, technology, and difficult situations such as death and grief.  

For each topic, you’ll also find a downloadable learning guide with tips, tools, and suggestions for additional evidence-based resources and programs that may help you and your family.  

How was Positive Parenting, Thriving Kids created?

Grounded in the lived experiences of parents and kids

Grounded in the lived experiences of parents and kids

To reflect parents’ concerns and experiences, the Child Mind Institute surveyed a diverse group of 1,000 California caregivers to understand what topics they felt would be most helpful as they navigate the challenges of raising their kids. We sought feedback from California teens to make sure youth voices are also represented.

“It is important for my parents to understand the problems I deal with. It will be good for them to also learn how to talk to me about my feelings, diet, and sex stuff.”

The Child Mind Institute Team

All project resources were developed under the guidance of Dr. Harold Koplewicz, one of the world’s leading child and teen psychiatrists, and led by Dr. David Anderson, PhD in clinical psychology from Columbia University; Dr. Janine Domingues, PhD in child clinical psychology from the University of Connecticut; and Demerris Brooks, EdD in organization and leadership from the University of San Francisco.

Dr. Harold Koplewicz Founding President and Medical Director of the Child Mind Institute
Dave Anderson, PhD Vice-President of Public Engagement and Education
Janine Domingues, PhD Senior Director of Professional Training of School and Community Programs
Demerris R. Brooks, EdD Interim Vice-President of School and Community Programs
Our Creative Partners

We partnered with a stellar creative team to develop engaging and actionable videos that reflect the rich diversity of California parents and caregivers. English and Spanish language directors worked together during the development of these videos to ensure sensitivity to different cultures – and then shot the videos with different families and experts.

Bianca Giaever Director (English) Emmy Award winner
Adam McClelland, Cannes Silver Lion winner, Director Adam McClelland Director (English) Cannes Silver Lion winner
Raquel Marvez Director (Spanish) Emmy Award winner

Expert Partners

The Positive Parenting, Thriving Kids videos were developed with input from a wide range of top experts from California and around the world.
Bennett L. Leventhal, MD
Irwin Sandler, PhD
Joyce R. Javier, PhD
Joanna Kim, PhD
Margaret Kuklinski, PhD
Justin Lavner, PhD
Ann Masten, PhD
Isha Metzger, PhD
Ruben Parra-Cardona, PhD

Check Out the Full Range of Our Thriving Kids Resources

If you or someone you know needs help now, call CalHOPE at 833-317-HOPE (4673), call the Suicide & Crisis Lifeline at 988, or visit

For more resources for California parents and caregivers, please visit