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Behavior Problems
Questions About Behavior Problems
- Our three-year-old daughter doesn’t listen and misbehaves in school. How can we improve her behavior?
- My son said hateful words at school and is now the “trouble kid.” How can I help him?
- My 4-year-old says she’s mean and no one likes her at school. What can we do?
- My son tries to hit us when we tell him no. What can we do?
- How can I get my daughter with ADHD to follow instructions?
- My granddaughter, 16, is terrible to her mother, but is great with us. What can we do?
- What are appropriate consequences for bad behavior?
- When should I hold a child accountable for his IED behavior and when should I give him a “pass”?
- My son may have been abused, and is now oppositional. Could it be ODD?
- What should a worried kindergarten teacher do about imaginary gun play in her class?
- What can we do about a 6-year-old who throws serious, increasingly violent tantrums—but not when other adults are around?
- Should my son switch to a school that focuses on behavior challenges?
- People think my son is rude because he has tantrums when we’re out, but at home he is the most loving boy in the world. Is anything wrong with him?
- My son is 2 years old and has such severe outbursts and tantrums that it scares us. What do we do?
- My son has made great progress in day treatment and is ready to return to a regular school. How can we get the school to work with him if he still has occasional outbursts?
- My son gets angry easily and is anxious about it. Will a safe, over-the-counter remedy or a gluten-free diet help?
- My son can’t stop kicking the floor in class. Sensory strategies haven’t helped. What can we do?
- My daughter only acts out with my ex. Could it be oppositional defiant disorder?
- My daughter is so aggressive she isn’t welcome at her grandparents’ house anymore. What should we do?
- My 7-year-old, who has a mild form of cerebral palsy, has been having outbursts at home since starting school. What should I do?
- My 7-year-old son with dyslexia is easily frustrated or angered by things outside of school. Is that common?
- My 7-year-old seems to only hear what he wants to hear. How do I make myself clear?
- My 7-year-old granddaughter’s aggression is getting worse. What does it mean? And what can we do?
- My 6-year-old son is in trouble for being defiant in school, but we don’t see any of this behavior at home. What can I do?
- My 6-year-old son gets anger attacks and his mind and reasoning completely shut down. During a recent one I didn’t know if he was trying to hurt himself or me. What can I do?
- My 5-year-old son, who has a development delay, is very independent but does not want to do his homework. What can I do?
- My 5-year-old son will not stay in time out. What am I doing wrong?
- My 5-year-old is being disruptive towards the end of the school day. What can I do to help him?
- My 5-year-old doesn’t listen to me and is disrespectful. Time-outs don’t work. What should I do?
- My 5-year-old daughter has been flying into a rage if she doesn’t get something right. What should I do?
- My 4-year-old with a behavior disorder attends therapy but she can’t compose sentences or express feelings. Am I doing enough for her?
- My 4-year-old has been kicked out of preschool for behavior problems we don’t see anywhere else. What can I do?
- I have a child who is very good but won’t follow directions. What should I do?
- I have a 9-year-old son who won’t listen to his mother. What can we do?
- My teen has ADHD and ODD. He refuses therapy. How can I help my son help himself?
- My son, who has ADHD, is defiant and emotionally over-reactive. Parenting him is like riding a roller coaster. What type of therapies could help?
- My son, who has ADHD, is becoming aggressive when I ask him to do things. How should I handle this?
- My son, who has ADHD, is becoming aggressive. Should we change medications?
- When should you get help for a child who’s a pathological liar?
- Is it normal to have “waves” of bad behavior? Our son is good for a week, then starts again.
- Is it common for kids with ADHD to have great behavior at school and difficult behavior at home?
- How can I stop my daughter’s violence towards me and her younger brother?