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Arianna Zuanazzi, PhD

Project Collaboration Specialist, Data Informatics and Sharing Core (DISC)
Child Mind Institute

Arianna Zuanazzi, PhD, is the project collaboration specialist in the Data Informatics and Sharing Core (DISC) at the Child Mind Institute. While earning her PhD in cognitive neuroscience at the University of Birmingham, Dr. Zuanazzi investigated the interaction of attention and expectation in multisensory perception. She then worked as a postdoctoral researcher at New York University, where she was awarded a Leon Levy Fellowship in Neuroscience to investigate language processes in the human brain.

Dr. Zuanazzi has managed collaborations among researchers, stakeholders, and diverse communities. She has hands-on experience using qualitative methods as well as behavioral and neuroimaging techniques (e.g., MRI, EEG/MEG, neurostimulation). Additionally, Dr. Zuanazzi has coordinated several projects dedicated to promoting open and accessible science.

In her current role, Dr. Zuanazzi works closely with the DISC team and leads data sharing initiatives, helping to disseminate open science projects at the Child Mind Institute. She also oversees and facilitates the communication and collaboration between DISC and internal and external research teams.


  • Post-doctoral Fellow, Department of Psychology, New York University


  • PhD, Cognitive Neuroscience, University of Birmingham (UK)
  • MSc, Cognitive Science, Centre for Mind/Brain Sciences (IT)
  • MA, Linguistics, University of Pavia (IT)
  • BA, Linguistics, University of Pavia (IT)