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Sandra Whitehouse, PhD, Senior Director of Anxiety Disorders Center at the Child Mind Institute, moderated a panel of clinical psychologists, child and adolescent psychiatrists, and other experts in anxiety disorders in a webinar hosted by Children and Screens. The webinar highlighted potential screen use concerns and how they may relate to anxiety in youth.

Guided by Dr. Whitehouse, the panelists answered questions about how to talk with youth about balanced digital media use, impacts of active vs. passive screen use, and managing school-related device time. Panelists also gave advice on how to balance smartphone use to create healthy sleep patterns and finding a community that values healthy use as well. The panelists wrapped up the webinar by providing recommendations for online safety and emphasize the importance of having open, curious conversations about technology.

Tagged with: In The News, Science and Research
Sandra L. Whitehouse, PhD
Sandra L. Whitehouse, PhD
Sandra L. Whitehouse, PhD, is the Senior Director and a senior psychologist in the Anxiety Disorders Center at the Child … Read Bio