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We all experience uncomfortable emotions. How to respond to them in healthy ways is one of the most important lessons a child can learn. Since children often pick up behavior patterns from their parents, the best way to teach them healthy coping skills is by example. It may seem selfish or too time-consuming to focus on your own feelings, but one of the best ways to take care of your kid is to make sure you’re taking care of yourself too.

This week on, we talk to our experts about the best ways to regulate your emotions and how to give your child the tools to manage their own. We offer ways to handle stressful situations, guidance for explaining coping behaviors to kids, and tips on how to know the difference between supporting and enabling your child. We also discuss how parents can protect their own mental health while caring for children with both mental and physical disabilities.

Related Resources

How to Model Healthy Coping Skills

Helping kids learn strategies for handling big emotions.


Mindful Parenting

Use mindfulness techniques to take stress and anxiety out of raising kids.


Preventing Parent Burnout

Meeting the emotional challenges of caring for children with mental health issues.


Why Self-Care Is Essential to Parenting

Caring for children with intense needs can take an emotional (and physical) toll on parents.


Supporting vs. Enabling

How to tell what's helping and what's not when a child has mental health or learning challenges.


Ask an Expert: Supporting an Emotional Child

How to help when you're depressed, too.
