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Clearing their throat, shrugging their shoulders, grimacing at times that seem odd — any repeated, rapid sound or movement that a child has trouble controlling may be a tic. And as a parent, it can be worrisome to see your child develop one. Tics often seem to come out of nowhere, and they sometimes go away on their own. But if they last for over a year and get in the way of the child’s daily life, treatment can help.

This week on, we round up resources on Tourette’s and other tic disorders, including the best behavioral treatment to help kids manage them. Feeling self-conscious about a tic can make it worse, so parents can help by avoiding drawing attention to kids’ tics. And because tic disorders often coincide with other common mental health diagnoses, we have information about how to support kids who also have ADHD or OCD.

– Hannah Sheldon-Dean, Managing Editor | 

Related Resources

Tics and Tourette’s

What to do (and not do) if your child develops a tic.


How Habit Reversal Therapy Works for Tics

The best behavioral treatment for tics and Tourette’s.


What’s the Best Treatment for ADHD and Tourette’s?

How stimulant medication can play a role.


Treating Kids With OCD and Tourette’s

Treating Kids With OCD and Tourette’s.


How to Help Kids Deal With Embarrassment

Don’t minimize their feelings, but do praise them for being resilient.


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