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It’s an age-old problem for parents — your kid doesn’t listen or seems to deliberately ignore your request, or every conversation somehow spirals into an argument. But you can improve communication with them by practicing skills taught in dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT). These skills — steps for effectively communicating and building better relationships — use acronyms such as DEAR MAN, GIVE, and STOP to help you remember what to do. And following the steps makes it more likely that you and your child can talk to each other calmly, avoid misunderstandings, and connect more effectively.

This week we are sharing resources to help when you and your child have a conflict, even a routine one. Any conflict can heighten emotions, and using DBT skills can help de-escalate. And because parent-child conflict can follow patterns, we also have pointers for recognizing common causes of problem behavior in kids and teens, including the ways anxietydepression, and ADHD get expressed in defiance. We also have tips for how to model healthy coping skills to help kids understand that they aren’t the only ones who struggle with big feelings.

— Michelle Shih, Managing Editor | 

Related Resources

DBT Skills for Parents

How to use the step-by-step DEAR MAN, GIVE, and STOP skills to talk to kids and teens.


DBT: What Is Dialectical Behavior Therapy?

A treatment for children and teenagers with trouble managing emotions.


Common Causes of Behavior Problems in Kids

Knowing what makes kids act out is the first step to finding solutions.


Teens and Anger

Tips to help teens recognize and process their emotions.


How Anxiety Leads to Problem Behavior

Kids who seem oppositional are often severely anxious.


ADHD and Behavior Problems

Tantrums, outbursts, and defiance are common in kids with ADHD. How can we help them behave better?


How to Model Healthy Coping Skills

Helping kids learn strategies for handling big emotions.


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