SNF Global Center
Stavros Niarchos Foundation (SNF) Global Center Fellowships Program
Innovative leadership programs for building a local workforce and increasing capacity to understand and treat child and adolescent mental health disorders.

The Need
- The gap between child and adolescent mental health (CAMH) needs and available care is substantial in low and middle-income countries (LMICs).
- At the same time, the number of LMIC-based programs providing accredited training for clinicians to specialize in CAMH remains limited.
- Similarly, CAMH science is largely based on research from high-income countries, with a significant imbalance in resources that disadvantages LMIC-based researchers.
- Stigma and discrimination remain widespread globally, with a need to improve mental health literacy in the general population, as well as among policymakers.

Our Fellowships
The SNF Global Center Fellowships is an innovative program aiming at identifying and supporting leaders in research, clinical care, and communication in CAMH in LMICs. These leaders will work locally to increase capacity to study, prevent, and treat child and adolescent mental health disorders and improve the public’s mental health literacy.
These fellowships make up one of the six core initiatives of the SNF Global Center for Child and Adolescent Mental Health at the Child Mind Institute, which harnesses the Child Mind Institute’s commitment to transforming the lives of children struggling with mental health and learning disorders. The SNF Global Center was established with founding support from the Stavros Niarchos Foundation (SNF) through its Global Health Initiative (GHI).
Our Programs
Applications for the second cohort will open in early 2025
Aimed at early-career researchers with records of innovative, impactful research, based on leading academic institutions in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs).
- Duration of 4-5 years.
- Hosted at local institutions with opportunities for international stays.
- Funds fellows, their career development, and projects as principal investigators of research in child and adolescent mental health.
SNF Global Center Researcher Fellows require a host institution. Host institutions must complete a confirmation and nomination form to indicate their ability to host fellows and identify up to two candidates. Revised application materials, including the host institution materials will be shared upon the launch of the application for the second cohort.
View Our Host Institution Informational Webinar
View Our Frequently Asked Questions
Inaugural program launched in April 2024
Aimed at teams of multidisciplinary mental health practitioners (psychiatrists, clinical psychologists, occupational therapists, etc.) without previous child and adolescent mental health (CAMH) training who work in public healthcare systems in LMICs. This fellowship partners institutions from two different LMICs to build the clinical child and adolescent mental health workforce.
Our inaugural cohort of clinical fellows from Maputo, Mozambique commenced child and adolescent mental health specialty training in Porto Alegre, Brazil in April 2024. Additional clinical fellowship opportunities and partnerships to be announced in the future.
- Duration of two years.
- First year: Specialized clinical training at an overseas training institution.
- Second year: Fellows provide CAMH clinical services, build local capacity, and disseminate their expertise in their home countries in collaboration with public healthcare systems.
- Funds fellows, their career development, and their clinical, scholar, and public service activities.
- Co-led with the International Association for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Allied Professions (IACAPAP).
The inaugural fellow selected in September 2024 in partnership with the Carter Center. Additional Communicator fellowship opportunities and partnerships to be announced in the future.
Aimed at professionals in public communications, including traditional and new media, based in LMICs.
- Duration of 2 years.
- Mainly based in fellows’ home countries.
- Funds fellows, their career development, and public communication projects in child and adolescent mental health.