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E. Emilie Weiner, BCBA

Board Certified Behavior Analyst, Autism Center
Child Mind Institute


Abigal Schulte, Staff Associate

E. Emilie Weiner, BCBA, is a board-certified behavior analyst in the Autism Center at the Child Mind Institute. Emilie has over ten years of expertise in early childhood development and behavior, autism spectrum disorder (ASD), language, and developmental delays. She has advanced training and experience in naturalistic approaches of applied behavior analysis (ABA), including natural environmental teaching (NET), the Early Start Denver Model (ESDM), and Project ImPACT.

In addition to being a behavior analyst, she is a certified teacher in the state of New York for both general and special education of children from birth through sixth grade. Emilie has worked in schools, clinics, and home settings with students ages 2-22. She’s also certified to provide supervision to BCBA candidates and has provided multiple years of mentorship and training to behavior therapists seeking board certification.

In her current position at the Child Mind Institute, Emilie aims to empower caregivers with practical strategies that allow them to best support their child in day-to-day activities. She caters intervention programs to the strengths and unique skillsets of each child, prioritizing acquisition of skills that are crucial for long term development, well-being, and independence. Additionally, she is a certified provider for the Program for the Education and Enrichment of Relational Skills (PEERS). Emilie is committed to promoting neurodiversity and inclusivity in her work.


  • BCBA, Chicago ABA Therapy, Chicago, IL
  • Lead Teacher & BCBA, Manhattan Childrens Center, New York, NY


  • Assistant Behavior Specialist, Alexander Hamilton Elementary School, Morristown, NJ
  • Graduate Teacher Assistant, Fred S. Keller School, Yonkers, NY
  • Intern, Vanderbilt Treatment & Research Institute for Autism Spectrum Disorders (TRIAD), Nashville, TN


  • MA, Applied Behavior Analysis, Teachers College, Columbia University, NY
  • BS, Special Education and Child Development, Vanderbilt University, TN


  • Vanderbilt University Peabody College Award for Distinguished Service in Special Education

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