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Celebrate Changemaking Nonprofits at the Morgan Stanley Alliance Innovation Awards

November 8, 2021

This Thursday, the Morgan Stanley Alliance for Children’s Mental Health will be hosting a “Showcase” of the winners of the first Innovation Awards. These awards were designed to identify and fund nonprofits that are pushing the limits to provide mental healthcare solutions for children and young adults across the United States.

The Child Mind Institute is a proud member of the Alliance, and we were honored to participate in the selection process. Out of 850 applications, there are 5 stellar winners: Black Girls Smile, citiesRISE, the Rural Behavioral Health Institute, Smart from the Start, and Teen Line.

Because of the Child Mind Institute’s commitment to reaching underserved and marginalized populations through our new Family Resource Center, we’re particularly excited about two of these winners:

Black Girls Smile provides virtual and in-person mental health literacy programming, education, therapy scholarships and resources to help Black girls and women lead mentally healthy lives.

The Rural Behavioral Health Institute is focused on improving the mental health of those living in rural communities by disseminating clinically proven digital mental health care.

The virtual awards showcase is this Thursday, November 11th, at 12pm ET. You can register for the event here. Come learn more about these great organizations who are addressing the deepening crisis in children’s mental health due to COVID-19 and ongoing social injustice issues, and how the Morgan Stanley Alliance for Children’s Mental Health is working to turn that crisis around.

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Our Partnership with the Morgan Stanley Alliance

The Child Mind Institute is proud to be a member of the Morgan Stanley Alliance for Children’s Mental Health, helping deliver positive, tangible impact on the critical challenges of stress, anxiety, and depression in children, adolescents, and young people.

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Family Resource Center

Developed through a generous grant from the Morgan Stanley Foundation, our Family Resource Center helps ensure families can connect to educational resources and care.

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