The Science and Engineering team at the Child Mind Institute is dedicated to transforming the lives of children with mental health and learning disorders through the power of scientific discovery.
Healthy Brain Network Data Focus of Analyses Linking IQ to Mental Health
Recent data from the Healthy Brain Network raised the question of how IQ relates to mental health diagnosis.
Our Approach to Data
You’ve probably already heard about the Child Mind Institute’s approach to research data, we openly share all of our data and resources. That means that researchers all over the world can use our deidentified data to run their own data analysis, answer their own research questions, and publish findings — without having to mount an entire study to collect all of their own data.
This approach literally saves millions of dollars (think about not having to fund a new study to get data), accelerates the pace of discovery (think about not having to spend another 10 years collecting data), and produces exponentially more scientific findings (think about hundrens of research teams armed with a data set, instead of just one). It’s easy to see why we’re pround of our stance on openly sharing data. It’s a win-win-win for us, for other researchers, and for the public that benefits from the resulting science.
Analyses: IQ and Mental Health
One such win from our openly shared Healthy Brain Network data is a paper that recently appeared in the Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry: “IQ Modulates Coupling Between Diverse Dimensions of Psychopathology in Children and Adolescents.” The paper was written by a cross-institutional team of researchers including the Child Mind Institute’s own Vice President of Research and Director of the Healthy Brain Network, Dr. Michael Milham.
The team tackled the question of how IQ relates to mental health diagnosis. While it is well accepted that IQ and mental health are related, the team’s analysis took things a step further than previous research by looking at the relationship between IQ and more complex mental health diagnoses. Their analyses found that as IQ goes down, attentional and social impairments tend to go up. Moreover, as IQ gets lower, the relationship between internalizing problems and aggression, repetitive behaviors, and hyperactivity/inattentiveness strengthens.
The findings not only have scientific significance, but clinical significance as well.
Read the article for more details.
About Our Science
The Healthy Brain Network is a community-based research program that provides mental health evaluations and follow-up resources at no cost to thousands of children.
We freely share our data, methods, and tools to speed scientific advancement. By partnering with institutions worldwide, we’re leading the way toward a global culture of open science. While we’ve published hundreds of papers in top scientific journals, our data has been used in thousands.
The Child Mind Institute is a leading force in open neuroscience — the movement to make scientific data, tools and knowledge accessible to all researchers. Most academic medical centers and research institutes hold their data until papers are published, but we freely share massive amounts of data to speed the pace of discovery. This demonstration of an open science philosophy will encourage institutions to embrace a culture change that produces breakthroughs for the field.
Our team of researchers and engineers brings together expertise across a diverse range of disciplines, enabling the kind of innovative collaborations that speed the pace of discovery.