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Resources to Help Kids Thrive

This newsletter contains a weekly update of content from featuring parenting advice, in-depth articles, and the latest thinking on children’s mental health and learning disorders.

Anger and Other Big Emotions

December 19, 2023

Anger, sadness, fear, frustration: Trouble handling big emotions is one of the most common mental health problems in children. We can’t make bad feelings go away, but we can help kids turn down the volume — and find healthy ways to express those feelings without lashing out or melting down.

This week we’re rounding up resources on helping kids cope with painful or overwhelming emotions. We can teach kids skills for coping when they feel overwhelmed, at home and at school. We can model how to manage our own uncomfortable feelings. And finally it’s important to recognize when outsized feelings are so troubling that professional help is needed — if they’re making it hard for kids to function or leading to self-destructive behaviorsSpecialized therapy for what expert call “emotional dysregulation” can make a big difference in a struggling child’s life.

– Caroline Miller, Editorial Director | 

Related Resources

How Can We Help Kids With Self-Regulation

Some kids need help learning to control their emotions, and resist impulsive behavior.


Mental Health Coping Skills for Kids

Videos to help kids understand and manage intense emotions.


How to Model Healthy Coping Skills

Helping kids learn strategies for handling big emotions.


What Is Social and Emotional Learning?

How SEL programs help kids succeed in school.


What Is Borderline Personality Disorder?

When outsized emotions lead to self-destructive behavior.


DBT: What Is Dialectical Behavior Therapy?

DBT: What Is Dialectical Behavior Therapy?


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