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It’s normal for very young children to have accidents or wet the bed at night. But if a child continues to struggle with these behaviors past the age of five, and they’re doing it several times a week, it may be a sign of a disorder called enuresis. A doctor can diagnose a child with enuresis — peeing at inappropriate times, either on purpose or by accident — after ruling out medical issues like diabetes, sleep apnea, or a urinary tract infection.

This week at, we’re offering advice on how parents can help kids who wet the bed and tips for dealing with the shame and embarrassment that often comes with it. We also explore what might be happening when kids continue to poop or leak in their pants, which may be something called encopresis, and how to deal with it. And we look at stress around bathroom use — when kids don’t want to use the bathroom at school or when the fear of having an accident becomes a serious source of anxiety. Fortunately, most kids who develop enuresis or encopresis respond well to training techniques with patient, positive support — despite the understandable frustration.

– Molly Hagan, Staff Writer | 

Related Resources

How to Help Kids Stop Bedwetting

Accidents can be a sign of the disorder enuresis.


Quick Guide to Encopresis

When kids over four are still pooping in places other than the toilet.


My 10-year-old is pooping his pants almost daily. What should I do?

How to help kids with what’s called encopresis.


How to Help Kids Deal With Embarrassment

Don't minimize their feelings but do praise them for being resilient.


When a Child Refuses to Use the Bathroom at School

What to do when anxiety becomes a toileting problem.


When a Child Fears Wetting Themselves at School

How to cope with anxiety and reframe distressing thoughts.


Helping Kids Who Are Immature

What caregivers can do to support children who are behind their peers.


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