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Resources to Help Kids Thrive

This newsletter contains a weekly update of content from featuring parenting advice, in-depth articles, and the latest thinking on children’s mental health and learning disorders.

What Is Co-Regulation?

June 18, 2024

Self-regulation — the ability to manage your emotions — requires a set of skills that one must learn over time. And one of the best ways kids can learn to calm themselves down when they’re angry or upset is when a trusted adult shows them how. Co-regulation involves helping kids regulate their emotions by modeling empathy, calmness, and healthy ways to deal with your own difficult emotions.

This week at, we have a new article about how co-regulation works and some of the science behind it. We also discuss other strategies for how you can help your child self-regulate. And we provide tips for keeping calm when you’re at the end of your rope, as well as what to do when you lose your temper. We also offer advice on how to handle your child’s angry outbursts, and how you can show them better ways to cope with big emotions.

– Molly Hagan, Staff Writer | 

Related Resources

What Is Co-Regulation?

For adults, helping kids regulate their emotions requires an awareness of your own.


How Can We Help Kids With Self-Regulation?

Some kids need help learning to control their emotions, and resist impulsive behavior.


How to Model Healthy Coping Skills

Helping kids learn strategies for handling big emotions.


Mindful Parenting

Use mindfulness techniques to take stress and anxiety out of raising kids.


Is My Child’s Anger Normal?

How to tell if emotional outbursts are beyond typical childhood behavior.


Disruptive Behavior: Why It’s Often Misdiagnosed

Tantrums and defiance may mask issues that aren't apparent to teachers and parents.


Calm Voices, Calmer Kids

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