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The Child Mind Institute website,, has been honored in the 26th Annual Webby Awards for recognition in the Best Websites and Mobile Sites category. This significant achievement is granted to only 20% of all work entered into the Annual Webby Awards competition.  

Honorees like Child Mind Institute are setting the standard for innovation and creativity on the Internet. It is an incredible achievement to be selected among the best from more than 14,300 entries we received this year.

Claire Graves, President of The Webby Awards

What are the Webby Awards?

Hailed as the “Internet’s highest honor” by The New York Times, The Webby Awards, presented by the International Academy of Digital Arts and Sciences (IADAS), is the leading international awards organization honoring excellence on the Internet. IADAS, which nominates and selects The Webby Award Winners, is comprised of Executive Members — leading Internet experts, business figures, luminaries, visionaries and creative celebrities — and Associate Members who are former Webby winners, nominees and other Internet professionals. 

New Family Resource Center on

The Rebrand was re-launched in 2021 as part of an organization-wide rebranding project complete with a new brand logo and an improved visual toolkit. Learn more about the rebrand here. The goals of the redesigned website were to: 

  1. Clearly communicate the mission of the Child Mind Institute and how we achieve it 
  2. Simplify the navigation of the website so visitors can find what they need faster 
  3. Launch a new Family Resource Center focusing on inclusivity, clarity and accessibility, so more families can connect to educational resources and care. 

The new was designed by Constructive, an agency that specializes in strategy and design for social impact.

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