I Speak Up Because I Know I’m Not Alone!
Hey. I want to say that people should speak up about mental health because I want them to. I know that sounds selfish but hear me out.
When I was in the worst parts of my anxiety I was convinced I was the only one who felt this way. I thought I was insane. I finally had the courage to tell a friend that I saw a therapist when I was in fifth grade and she laughed and asked if I was going to be sent to the loony bin. I was so upset I never wanted to go back. This girl that I had told was supposed to be my best friend and if she laughed then I knew something was wrong with me.
Now that I’ve surrounded myself with friends I trust, and who are supportive, I realize how that girl who laughed at me was wrong. I’m glad to tell people about the issues I’ve had and have. I want them to know that it happened to me and that I turned out fine enough.
I also found out that some of my idols have had anxiety: David Bowie, Alanis Morissette, Aretha Franklin, Courtney Love, Winona Ryder and so many more. You can tell by the list of people I admire, I’m into art and music (mostly music).
There are so many people who suffer from mental health issues but they don’t all say they do, which is why we should speak up. I want you to speak up. Other kids with problems want you to speak up.
I know it sounds a little cheesy, but trust me it makes people feel like they aren’t alone.