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Quick Facts on Gender Dysphoria

A brief overview of the signs and symptoms of gender dysphoria, and how it's treated in children and adolescents.

en Español


Children with gender dysphoria are often referred to as “transgender,” a term that describes someone who does not identify with the sex characteristics he or she was born with. Being transgender is not a psychiatric disorder, but it can be a source of significant stress for children, who often experience bullying, exclusion, and other forms of stigma. Gender dysphoria is diagnosed only if a child experiences severe distress due to being transgender, or has impaired functioning at school, at home, or in social settings.


  • Marked incongruence between the gender a child feels he or she experiences and the gender he or she was biologically assigned to
  • Feelings of being “trapped” inside a body whose gender the child does not identify with
  • Strong preferences for clothing, toys, and activities commonly associated with the opposite gender
  • Assertions by the child that he or she is another gender or plans to grow up to be the other gender
  • Intense dislike for one’s own sexual anatomy
  • Ardent desire to obtain sex characteristics of the gender the child experiences

Treatment of Gender Dysphoria

Psychotherapy can be used to treat gender dysphoria by helping a child understand and manage the stress that gender dysphoria causes.

This article was last reviewed or updated on October 31, 2022.