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Screen Time & Technology

Learn how to help kids use screens in a healthy way.

About Screen Time & Technology

When should kids be introduced to screens? Is all screen time the same? How much is too much? Answers to these questions will vary from family to family and kid to kid. But research-based guidance can help inform your decisions.

Not all tech is bad; with the internet at our fingertips, we can research any topic we like, get inspired, find information from around the world, and stay in touch with friends. But we also know that too much time spent online — especially on social media — can impact kids’ self-esteem and make them feel sad and anxious. Setting limits with technology helps kids develop healthy screen habits. And ultimately, the best way to encourage healthy screen use is for parents to model it themselves.

Media and Technology Basics

Deciding how much screen time is too much, or when  a child is ready for a phone, can affect the family dynamic so it’s important to take a mindful approach. Get started here for the basics.

Toddlers and Young Children

There are countless shows and apps geared towards toddlers — but it can be difficult to assess their educational value. Ultimately, limited screen time and real-life interactions are crucial for a young child’s development.

School-Aged Kids and Tech

Once kids enter school, they are introduced to new influences and forms of media. And as they mature, the tech they engage with becomes more complex.

Social Media

From the differences in platforms to the ways kids engage with them, there’s a lot to consider when it comes to social media. It’s important for parents and caretakers to know the risks and how to help kids navigate them.


It can be particularly challenging to engage with teens about their online life, whether it be imposing screen limits or talking about sexting. Teens are asserting their independence, but they’re still learning how to navigate the world. They are also especially vulnerable to mental health challenges related to digital use.

Tech and Attention

Does screen time cause ADHD? No. But it can certainly disrupt kids’ — and yes, even adults’ — ability to focus. Meanwhile, someone with ADHD can seemingly hyperfocus on video games or social media but not schoolwork. It can be confusing, but there are a number of reasons why.

Screen Time and Mental Health

Technology and social media are sometimes linked to mental health issues like depression, anxiety, and even addictive behaviors. It’s important to know the signs, and how to manage them.