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Learn about the basics of autism spectrum disorder (ASD), how to get a diagnosis, common therapies, medication, and more.


About Autism

Autism is officially called autism spectrum disorder (ASD) because there is such a wide range of traits and behaviors associated with it. On one end of the spectrum are kids who are nonverbal and cognitively impaired, who may need 24/7 support. On the other are autistic kids who are high functioning and intensely verbal, who need much less support. Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects social-communication skills and causes restricted and repetitive behaviors.

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Basics

Autistic kids display behaviors that fall into two main categories: social-communication deficits and unusual repetitive behaviors. Start here to learn the basics and common terms.

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Autism Diagnosis

Kids with autism can have a wide range of skills and abilities, which can make it difficult to correctly diagnose. It’s important to get a thorough evaluation from a clinician experienced in diagnosing autism as early as possible.

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Profiles of Autism

Different aspects of autism are sometimes called “profiles” — for example, a clinician may note that a child is autistic with a profile of demand avoidance. Here are a few other examples across the spectrum.

Sensory Processing

Many autistic kids struggle with sensory processing issues. They may have aversions to certain tastes, textures, smells, sensations, or a combination.

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Behavior Challenges

Autistic children can develop confusing and difficult behaviors. Frustration, communication difficulties, and other challenges can lead to refusal, meltdowns, or even extreme behaviors.

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Therapies for Autism

There are different forms of therapy and services that can help kids with ASD develop fundamental skills. When a child receives an autism diagnosis, they are often immediately referred to applied behavioral analysis (ABA). But they can also address specific areas of difficulty through occupational therapy and speech and language therapy. Many kids engage in a combination of therapies.

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There are a few medications that are FDA approved to treat behaviors sometimes associated with autism, including anxiety and aggression. They can be helpful but also tend to come with side effects.

Parenting Autistic Kids

To help kids with autism thrive, we’ve gathered some parenting hacks, travel and summer break tips, and even party ideas for kids with sensory sensitivities.

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Autism at School

School can be a challenging environment for autistic kids but they can also benefit from supports and accommodations. Their rights to services are protected by law and can be solidified through a 504 plan or IEP. But parents of autistic kids often find they need to push for their kid to receive the accommodations they need to thrive.

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Transitioning Into College & Young Adult Life

Young adults with autism can face unique challenges, whether they are going off to college or exploring supported living options and employment.

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All Autism