An open letter on what to expect and how to manage it
en EspañolWhen your child has been in a psychiatric hospital, having them back home is exciting, but it can be scary, too. The hospital decided that it’s safe for them to be home, but they haven’t been cured. They still need treatment. It’s normal for things to be bumpy for a while.
Coming home can be stressful for kids because they’ve lost the structure of the hospital’s rules and schedule. Let them know you are so glad that they are home, but that you don’t expect them to be perfect. The first time something goes wrong, you might be worried, but try to stay calm and remember that setbacks are normal.
Before your child comes home, talk to their psychiatrist and find out what rules will make sense. Can the child be left alone for short periods? Can they go to friends’ houses? How long before they can be more independent?
If your child had a suicide plan or made an attempt, plan on keeping them closely supervised at first. Keep checking in with your child, and be ready to contact their therapist if they seem suicidal again. It’s also important to set up ways to manage your own anxiety. Exercise, time with friends and talking to your own therapist are all ways to reduce stress.
Finally, it’s important to track how your child is doing at home. Make a few notes at the end of each day about their mood and symptoms, what meds they are taking, any side effects, and any incidents that worry you. If you feel like things are going badly, the journal can give you a reality check. You will also be able to give your child’s doctor a better picture of anything concerning.
Dear Parent,
Congratulations! If your child has been hospitalized, and you have finally made it to discharge, the inpatient saga is in the rearview mirror. Now all you have to do is figure out what happens next. That may suddenly feel like a daunting task.
By now your child has probably idealized what being home is like and you have forgotten how hard it was to have them in the house. By now your other kids have started to like getting some attention again, too.
Expect bumps. Re-entry is hard.
Day one is likely to go okay(ish), for everyone will be glad to put the hospital in the past. You will need a lot of patience for the next week or two. Remember that your child is not cured, and no matter how much you want this ordeal to be over you can’t expect them to behave as if they are all better, or even mostly better. The hospital has only stabilized them enough to allow them to move to outpatient care. Old behaviors have not been extinguished, merely tempered. Long-present triggers have not been deactivated. Your child’s anxiety or rage or paranoia or OCD or depression may spike a little less quickly or have a shorter duration, but it’s far from gone.
So there will be bumps. And because there will be bumps, you will need to remind yourself repeatedly that a bump is not a cliff.
The first time your child acts the way they did before hospitalization your trauma-scarred brain will leap to the conclusion that you are right back where you were before. This is not true. Breathe deep. Do not allow yourself to freak out. Stay patient. Be empathetic.
Your child is going to be just as scared by bumps as you are, if not more. Although neither of you may have thought of it this way, life in the hospital was actually much simpler than life at home. The rules, behavioral expectations and consequences there were carved in stone. Everything was planned out. Staff didn’t take behavior or outbursts personally; they responded according to protocol rather than with dread or alarm. So arriving home — while definitely a good thing — is also stressful. There are far more stimuli, far more temptations. Home is a place of old habits and parental expectations. What seemed easy to manage in the hospital may feel much more complicated now. The stress level for your child will be higher.
Here’s what you can do to lower it: Tell your child something on the order of, “I am so, so glad you are back. They warned me that re-entry can be stressful, and I want you to know that I don’t expect everything to be perfect. I don’t expect you to be perfect, or to feel perfectly better. I know that I’m not going to be perfect, and I’m not going to handle everything perfectly. That’s okay. I know there will be bumps. And I want you to know that I love you, and we will work through the bumps together.” Then when problems erupt, you pause, take an enormous breath, and say, “Remember how I was saying there would be bumps? That was a bump. And we will work through it.”
Your task is to step back from your expectations and emotions, and to stay as cool as you can. You will offer empathy, tons of empathy, and creature comforts: favorite meals, a cup of tea, a stuffed animal, some soothing music. This will help. Or at least it will help a lot more than screaming at your kid in frustration.
If you have to vent, do it in private to someone who can remind you that what you are seeing is a bump in the road. If you live with a partner, find ways to hand off care when one of you is weary or anxious or losing patience.
If your child had a suicide plan or attempt before hospitalization, you will probably be told that the greatest likelihood of a repeat attempt is within the first three months. This is unhappy news, especially given all you have been through. Your task will be to figure out how monitor your kid’s mental state without being overbearing — and without dissolving into your own puddle of worry. There are three aspects to making this happen.
Your child’s outpatient team will probably ask you to set up additional therapy and psychiatry appointments for a period of time. This is expensive and a logistical headache, but you will want someone else to assess your child’s safety regularly, especially while changes in medication are still being made.
One thing that will help both you and the doctors is to start a journal or log. This will take up a ridiculous amount of time, but there’s an excellent reason for doing it: When you are in the thick of an emotionally charged situation it is difficult to track how life is trending. A log creates an objective measure of what you’re seeing and how often you’re seeing it. Plus when your gut is telling you something is wrong, or that your child is getting worse instead of better, it’s much, much easier for a doctor to understand your concerns when you provide actual data.
Write down:
Keeping a log is a lot of work. However, it is work you will not regret.
The hospital probably didn’t give you guidance on how much supervision your child will need upon returning home. Things you will want to discuss with your partner and your child’s treatment team include:
You may chafe as much as your child does at the amount of supervision required. You will need to trade off care with your partner or get trusted friends or family to provide some respite. Much as you may yearn for a weekend getaway, it’s not a good idea while you are still gauging how stable your child is.
The fact that re-entry feels endless doesn’t make it endless. You can get through this if you pace yourself, figure out how to process your own feelings, and reach out to your child’s treatment team for help.
If you or someone you know needs help now, call 988 to reach the Suicide and Crisis Lifeline.