How to keep kids active and engaged
Clinical Expert: Laura Phillips, PsyD, ABPdN
en EspañolAs we head into summer, many parents — especially parents of kids with learning disorders — are wondering how to help their kids make the most of all this free time. How can kids continue to learn, grow and prepare for school in the fall?
Kids with learning disorders, ADHD or language difficulties are particularly vulnerable to what we call “the summer slide.” That refers to the loss of skills that a lot of kids see in reading and especially math over the summer months. Now, as many kids are still catching up from pandemic learning loss, it’s even more important to help kids maintain and develop their skills over the summer.
Summer is definitely a time for everyone to loosen up a bit, but at the same time, parents can use some of the following strategies to help kids stay on track academically, emotionally and socially.
Academic work doesn’t have to look like traditional classroom work. Remember that you can incorporate academics and learning into lots of other activities, which we’ll get into more below.
What you do this summer will look different depending on the age of your child, as well as their skill level and personality. With younger children, a good baseline is about 15 to 20 minutes of reading and math practice most days of the week. For older elementary school students that might look more like 20 to 30 minutes of reading, math and writing practice. Again, this doesn’t necessarily mean that your child has to sit at a desk with a workbook the whole time — the idea is just to make sure that practicing skills is built into your child’s daily routines one way or another.
That said, children with diagnosed learning disabilities might need more frequent formal instruction. To get a sense of what’s best for your child, try getting in touch with your child’s teachers and learning specialists to see what you can do to reinforce your child’s skills throughout the summer. You might ask:
We’ve also got a great list of at-home educational resources available on our website.
Especially for kids with attention and learning disorders, following consistent routines is a huge part of academic success. What’s more, having a routine lets kids know what to expect each day and reduces their anxiety, which is especially important now that kids are facing a lot of change and uncertainty. Structure and predictability let kids feel safe, stable and in control to some extent.
Summer routines can certainly be different from school routines. Depending on the age of your child, it’s often helpful to involve them in the process of setting up a routine and creating a schedule for the day. They’ll be more likely to stick to a schedule that they have helped to create because they have a little more buy-in, and because they’ll tend to choose things they enjoy. Try coming up with a list of fun activities and let them choose which ones they want to do and in what order.
It’s also important to keep bedtimes and mealtimes as consistent as possible, so that kids have some clear structure to work with. This could also be a great time to start new traditions. For example, maybe Sunday morning becomes pancake breakfast throughout the summer, and then the family takes a long walk or bike ride together after breakfast. This kind of thing doesn’t just provide predictability — it also gives kids something to look forward to, which might be missing with the lack of organized summer activities.
Especially for kids who really need to burn off energy, staying physically active is a key part of being able to focus mentally. What’s more, spending time outside is a great way for kids to learn about the world around them and keep their academic skills sharp in a fun, active way.
What your family does will of course depend on what kinds of outdoor spaces you have access to, but some options to consider include:
If your child plays sports, you can also help them recreate some of that structure at home. For instance, if you have a yard and your child plays soccer, set up a goal, even if it’s just a couple of cones to mark the space. Maybe they can use this time to learn new skills, practice for a new position, or focus on endurance, strength training or flexibility. Whatever they choose, setting goals and working toward them can help your child to stay engaged and focused while they’re out of school.
Screen time is a part of almost every child’s life, because they crave it and because parents need to get things done. The trick is getting creative about how you use screen time, and how you find alternatives to it. Depending on what’s doable for your family right now, you might try to work in more non-screen activities as summer gets underway. In addition to outdoor activities, consider:
Of course, a certain amount of screen time is inevitable. But your child’s screens have a lot more to offer than just video games and social media. There are lots of high-quality virtual resources that kids can get into this summer, and many are free or low-cost:
Through options like these, you can incorporate some more structure and academic material into your child’s day, without setting rigid screen time rules.
The Child Mind Institute publishes articles based on extensive research and interviews with experts, including child and adolescent psychiatrists, clinical psychologists, clinical neuropsychologists, pediatricians, and learning specialists. Other sources include peer-reviewed studies, government agencies, medical associations, and the latest Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM-5). Articles are reviewed for accuracy, and we link to sources and list references where applicable. You can learn more by reading our editorial mission.
Phillips, Laura. "Laura Phillips, PsyD, ABPdN." Child Mind Institute.