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Bennett Leventhal, MD

Bennett L. Leventhal, MD

Member, Scientific Research Council
Child Mind Institute
Consultant, MindLogger Team
Child Mind Institute
Irving B. Harris Professor of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Emeritus
The University of Chicago
Adjunct Professor of Psychiatry
Yonsei University, Seoul, South Korea
Consultant, Navajo Birth Cohort Study-ECHO Project
University of New Mexico

Bennett Leventhal, MD, is widely recognized for his leadership and expertise in fostering career development and training programs as well as collaborative research networks that focus on everything from molecular genetics to community service and public health. His direction and vision have led to the creation of nationally prominent clinical research programs that continue to shape how we study childhood psychiatric disorders. Dr. Leventhal has championed initiatives to advance research on the molecular genetics of autism, the prenatal origins of disruptive behavior disorders and the brain mechanisms that interfere with social functioning. He also helped establish a global network of scientists who are currently investigating the origins of mental health disorders that emerge during the first few years of life.


  • American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, George Tarjan Award, 2009
  • HAVE Dreams of Chicago, Dream Maker Award, 2009
  • National Board of Medical Examiners, Edith Levitt Award, 2009
  • Caritas Society, Humanitarian Award, 2009


  • Louisiana State University, MD in Medicine, 1974
  • Louisiana State University, BS in Biology, 1972