Daniel Klein, Psy.D
Daniel Klein, Psy.D. is the founder and the managing director of the Child and Family Solutions Center. He a fully licensed psychologist specializing in children, adolescents and families. Areas of his expertise include assessment and treatment of Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, anxiety, depression, mood instability, adjustment issues, defiance, and school related problems. He has over 25 years of experience working with children, adolescents, and families in a variety of settings including outpatient, inpatient, school, wilderness, camp, community, and residential treatment. He has delivered presentations on working with disruptive children, childhood aggression, anxiety, creating an optimal learning environment for students, effective school advocacy, parenting in the age of distractions and understanding and treating ADHD.
Dr. Klein has been featured and quoted in a variety of media outlets. He has written a blog and column called, “Ask the Child Psychologist” for the Detroit News, blogging weekly on a variety of topics and answering reader questions. He has published an article for Divine Caroline on back to school anxiety. In the past, he has been quoted in the Detroit News on helping children cope with death, in the Spinal Column on bullying and cyber-bullying, in the Real View Online Magazine about helping children adjust to moving, and in Metro Parent on multiple topics related to children. He was also featured on CBS and UPN television in Detroit discussing teens, relationships and sex.