Video Resources
Mindfulness Videos for Teens
Short animated videos to teach teens techniques for managing emotions and practicing self-care. Available in 22 languages.
About These Videos
When you’re sad or overwhelmed, it’s hard to know what you can do to feel better. Teens in particular are struggling, with 4 in 10 U.S. high school students reporting persistent feelings of sadness or hopelessness and 2 in 10 seriously considering suicide.
These short animated videos walk through effective techniques to help you feel more centered and calm in the moment, and show you how to care for yourself so that you don’t feel alone in your struggles. The videos are available in 22 languages, making healing and learning accessible for young people everywhere.
2 Easy Ways to Ground Yourself and Find Calm
When life gets overwhelming, it can make you feel disconnected and detached. Here are two simple exercises you can do to ground yourself and reconnect to the present moment.
How to Practice Self-Compassion
Self-compassion is about treating yourself with the same kindness and understanding that you would a friend in need — but it doesn’t always come naturally. Here are three important things to remember to make self-compassion a habit.
Watch Videos In
- Два лесни начина да се заземите и да откриете спокойствие
- Как да бъдете себесъстрадателни
- 2 nemme metoder til at falde ned og finde ro
- Sådan udøver du selvmedfølelse
- 2 techniques d’ancrage simples pour retrouver le calme
- Pratiquer l’autocompassion
- 2 דרכים קלות להישאר עם הרגליים על הקרקע ולמצוא שלווה
- איך לתרגל חמלה עצמית
- Due modi semplici per radicarsi e trovare la calma
- Come praticare l'autocompassione
- 稳定情绪和平静下来的两种简单方法
- 如何练习自我关怀
- Два способа заземлиться и перестать волноваться
- Как научиться самосостраданию
- Dues maneres fàcils de centrar la ment i calmar-nos
- Com treballar l'autocompassió
- 2 eenvoudige manieren om jezelf te aarden en rust te vinden
- Hoe je met meer zelfcompassie naar jezelf kunt kijken
- Zwei einfache Methoden, um sich zu erden und Ruhe zu finden
- So übst du dich in Selbstmitgefühl
- परेशान करने वाली यादें भुलाने और मन को शांत करने के दो तरीके
- खुद से भी सहानुभूति कैसे रखें
- 自分を落ち着かせ、 心の平安を保つための 2 つの簡単な方法
- 自己への思いやりを実践する方法
- To enkle teknikker for sinnsro
- Sånn viser du egenempati
- 2 formas sencillas de conectarse con la realidad y encontrar la calma
- Cómo tener autocompasión
- Dva jednoduché způsoby, jak najít vnitřní klid a pevnou půdu pod nohama
- Jak uplatnit sebesoucit
- 2 helppoa keinoa maadoittumiseen ja mielen rauhoittamiseen
- Miten itsemyötätuntoa voi harjoitella
- 2 εύκολοι τρόποι για να γειώνεστε και να βρίσκετε την ηρεμία σας
- Πώς να εξασκείτε την αυτοσυμπόνια
- Két egyszerű módszer a lehorgonyzáshoz és a megnyugváshoz
- Hogyan gyakorolhatod az önszeretetet
- 마음을 안정시키고 평정심을 찾을 수 있는 두 가지 간단한 방법
- 자기 연민을 연습하는 방법
- 2 formas simples de se ligar à realidade e encontrar a calma
- Como ter autocompaixão
- 2 วิธีง่ายๆ ในการตั้งสติและพบกับความสงบ
- วิธีฝึกฝนการมีเมตตาต่อตนเอง
About the translations: These videos were originally created in English and transcreated in Spanish by the Child Mind Institute. All other translations were provided by Google and reviewed for accuracy by their experts.
Related Reading
How Anxiety Affects Teenagers
Signs of anxiety in adolescents, and how they're different from anxious children
What Are the Symptoms of Depression in Teenagers?
Signs your child might be more than moody
Teen Suicides: What Are the Risk Factors?
Temperament, family and community all play a role
Depression Test for Teens
Our free Symptom Checker can help you determine if your teen might have depression