About Us
About Our Partnerships
We partner with a wide range of organizations and corporations that share our interest in improving the health and well-being of our children. Collaboration allows us to reach families across a diverse range of communities.
About Us
Corporate Partners
The Child Mind Institute could not take on our vision without the dedication, passion, and generosity of our partners. We are proud to work with these extraordinary companies to bring real science and real hope to millions of children and their families.
Outreach Partnerships
Our outreach partners help us reach a broad range of communities with a shared interest in the health and well-being of our children.
Youth Mental Health Academy
Created from a partnership between the state of California and the Child Mind Institute, the Youth Mental Health Academy is providing community-based career development to high school students aged 16+ from structurally marginalized communities, through paid project-based learning and paid summer internships.
NVLD Initiative
In partnership with The NVLD Project, we are working to advance research on nonverbal learning disabilities (NVLD) to improve outcomes for affected children. This collaboration focuses on studying the behavioral and neurological aspects of NVLD, developing evidence-based treatments, and enhancing diagnostic tools. It also aims to raise awareness of the disability and pilot programs to support families, educators, and clinicians.
Insurance-Based Telehealth Solution
To help fulfill our mission of expanding access to evidence-based mental health care, the Child Mind Institute is partnering to build a new insurance-based telehealth solution, Fort Health. Fort’s clinicians treat children and youth aged 4–19 experiencing mild to moderate anxiety, mood, behavioral, or ADHD disorders. In return for our contributions to Fort Health, we’ll receive funds that support our charitable work.
Partner with Us
Involvement with an inspirational cause that benefits children, employee engagement and brand alignment — those are just a few of the benefits corporations enjoy by partnering with the Child Mind Institute.