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Does my child have ADHD or just high energy?

Writer: Harold S. Koplewicz, MD

Clinical Expert: Harold S. Koplewicz, MD

en Español

My son has always been very active. It seems like he never slows down. How can I tell if my child has ADHD or if it's just high energy?


This is an excellent question. Children who have attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are not just very high energy kids — they also have severe difficulties focusing their attention and organizing their thoughts. We call what they experience “disrupted executive functioning.” This means that children with ADHD not only struggle with attention, but they also are likely to have problems following instructions and keeping organized. What often happens in a school setting is that they have trouble cooperating with their peers, following the rules in games, and completing assignments. Their challenges are quite distinct from those of children who simply have a lot of energy. Highly energized, active children can usually focus when it is necessary to accomplish a goal.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can you tell a high energy child vs. one with ADHD?
What does ADHD vs. high energy look like at school?
This article was last reviewed or updated on August 19, 2024.