Learn about different types of learning disabilities, signs of academic challenges, and how to support kids with additional needs.
A learning disability is a disorder characterized by difficulty in learning primary skills such as reading, writing and arithmetic. While learning disorders can be diagnosed at any age, they are often first noticed when a child is in preschool or elementary school and has trouble building skills that come more easily to their peers.
The signs and support needs of a learning disorder vary depending on what the child is struggling with. Common learning disorders include dyslexia, dyscalculia, dysgraphia, and dyspraxia – but they’re not the only ones.
What are the different types of learning disorders, and how can you tell if a child is struggling with one? Familiarize yourself with the basics, from various forms of LDs to challenges kids with LDs may face.
The first step to getting support for a LD is a thorough evaluation and diagnosis. Learn how to get started, what types of supports are available for kids with LDs, and how to get those supports in place.
Learning disorders don’t only impact academics. Kids who struggle often experience and require support for emotional challenges as well, which can include anxiety, depression, behavioral difficulties, and more.
Help kids understand how their brain works and why they struggle so they can get accommodations, build confidence, and advocate for themselves.
There are many types of professionals who help diagnose or support kids with learning challenges.
Kids with dyslexia typically have trouble reading, writing and spelling.
Children with dyscalculia struggle to understand, learn, and perform math and number-based operations.
Kids with nonverbal learning disorder have difficulty picking up patterns and concepts.
Children with dyspraxia appear clumsy and uncoordinated compared to other kids their age.
Kids with auditory processing disorder have trouble taking in information that they hear.
Kids with speech sound disorder have no problem understanding language, but they have trouble making the sounds they need to speak. Kids with language disorder struggle to both learn and speak language.
Children with intellectual development disorder have trouble with skills like reasoning and learning.
All Learning Disorders