Extra precautions and clear rules pay off for kids at higher risk of accidents
Clinical Expert: Dave Anderson, PhD
en EspañolLearning to drive is a huge, exciting step. Car keys mean freedom, responsibility, and a new kind of independence. But for some kids the symptoms of ADHD — inattention, distractibility and poor judgment — can cause serious problems behind the wheel. How can parents help kids with ADHD drive safely?
Start by having an honest conversation about the dangers, physical and legal, associated with driving. Talk about how ADHD can make things more complicated. For example: getting distracted and losing focus on the road, or forgetting important steps like using the turn signal.
Set clear, easy-to-follow ground rules. For example: Not using the phone while driving. Always wearing a seatbelt. No loud music. Or not having friends in the car until your child is more comfortable behind the wheel. Kids who take ADHD medication should stay on it when driving.
Finally, let kids know that having ADHD doesn’t mean they can’t become a great drivers — it just means they have to do things a little differently and be more self-aware. With a little practice and smart planning, they’ll be safely on the road in no time.
Learning to drive is a huge, exciting step. Car keys mean freedom, responsibility, and a new kind of independence. But for some kids the symptoms of ADHD — inattention, distractibility, and poor judgment — can cause serious problems behind the wheel.
Research shows that kids with ADHD are more likely to get speeding tickets and moving violations, be involved in driving accidents, and have their licenses revoked. How can parents help kids with ADHD build the tools they need stay safe on the road?
The first step to helping kids become safe drivers happens outside the car. Conversations about ADHD and driving should begin early and happen often.
“A major part of facilitating strong skills is anticipating the kind of impact ADHD can have on driving long before the keys are in the ignition,” says David Anderson, PhD, a clinical psychologist at the Child Mind Institute. “A lot of times we don’t start talking about the dangers ADHD can pose until after kids have already gotten a speeding ticket or had a small accident.”
Early intervention is the best way to avoid negative outcomes down the line.
Be frank and open about the dangers, physical and legal, associated with driving, and focus on some of the ways ADHD can make things more complicated. Talking about the potential issues ADHD causes for young drivers — from impulsive speeding to distraction from other kids in the car — helps them be aware of trouble spots before they become a problem.
“Kids with ADHD are more prone to give into distractions across the board,” says Dr. Anderson. “Teens are usually already conscious of how ADHD affects them at school or in their social life so we try to help them bring that same awareness to how distractibility might cause problems when they’re driving.”
Talking about potentially dangerous situations is a great way to help your child think them through on the couch before they come up in the car.
“Identify your worries, but be specific,” says clinical psychologist Matthew Rouse, PhD. “Clear expectations are easier to remember, especially when there’s a lot going on.”
Discuss specific scenarios that concern you, and follow up with reasonable solutions. “I’m worried about you driving safely” is true but not clear. Instead try: “Texting while driving is really dangerous, but I know it can be hard to ignore the phone when you get a message. Can we agree that you’ll leave your phone in the glove compartment until you get where you’re going?”
“The more you talk and plan,” says Dr. Anderson, “the more you can be sure they’re first and foremost thinking about safety while they’re on the road.”
Once you’ve talked through the potential difficulties, it’s important to set clear, easy-to-follow ground rules that won’t go in one ear and out the other. For starters: “Always wear your seatbelt, no matter what.” One way to do this is to create a safe driving contract.
“When things are written out and there’s been some time spent going over them, it can be very helpful for both kids and parents,” suggests Dr. Rouse. Contracts might seem cheesy, he says, but done right they can be very effective. “Even if kids are reluctant at first, contracts do work. Writing things down helps everyone agree on and remember what is, and isn’t, safe behavior.”
Monitor medication
Medication should also be a part of the conversation, says Dr. Anderson. “Kids who take medication when they drive to school in the morning may need to do things differently on the way home when the meds are wearing off.”
Likewise, if your child doesn’t normally take medication on weekends but they plan to drive on weekends, it might be time to talk about changing the schedule. Any plan for changing medications should include a driving break until it’s clear how they react to the new regime.
Express confidence, not anxiety
Finally, offer support and talk about other situations they’ve handled well in the past.
Reminding them of successes refocuses the conversation on their abilities, not their challenges. “Talk to kids about ADHD and how it can make things more difficult in a developmentally appropriate way, but be sure to communicate confidence as well as concern,” says Dr. Rouse.
Let your child know that having ADHD doesn’t mean they can’t become a great driver—it just means they have to do things a little differently and be more self aware.
“Remind kids that staying smart and being careful are the hallmarks of any good driver,” says Dr. Anderson.
It’s totally normal to feel anxious when your child starts driving — just be mindful about the way you express that anxiety. The end goal is to help them stay safe and build confidence in their abilities.
“Ultimately,” says Dr. Rouse, “We’re deliverers of hope. We want to be clear and realistic about the difficulties while still focusing on what is possible.”