It takes practice, so high school is the time to start
Clinical Expert: Allison Baker, MD
en EspañolCollege is a time for kids to try out independence. For kids on medication, part of that independence is learning how to manage those meds on their own.
Kids should start to practice managing meds well before they leave for college. The first weeks of school will be full of new information. That’s not the time to start figuring out what they need to be taking, when, and how to make sure they don’t forget.
For example, kids can set reminders on their phone so they don’t forget. Using day-of-the-week pill containers can also help. Encourage kids to take charge when it comes to getting refills as well. If they notice they’re running low, empower them to call the doctor and ask for more.
Kids should also be aware of how their medication reacts to alcohol or other drugs. Drinking is often a big part of college life. This can be a serious problem if kids are on medication that reacts badly with alcohol. Some drugs make the effects of alcohol stronger, so they could get drunk more quickly than their peers. Having a conversation about making responsible choices is key to keeping kids safe.
Taking drugs without a prescription is never a good idea. But for kids who are already taking medications it can be very dangerous. It’s important to talk to college students about why they should not take other drugs. Be clear and specific about the dangers. Understanding what can happen will help kids make safer decisions.
It’s no secret that some medications, like stimulants, are in demand on college campuses. Kids might think that sharing or selling medication is no big deal. But taking other people’s meds can be dangerous. Medications have different effects on different people. Likewise getting caught sharing or selling meds could get kids kicked out of school or even mean facing legal action.
Let’s be honest. One of the highly anticipated pleasures of going to college is escaping parental oversight. College is a time for kids to try out living on their own, and we want them to enjoy their new freedom.
For some kids it will be a rocky transition—there is a lot to learn about taking care of yourself, not to speak of college-level schoolwork. And for kids who are taking medication, part of being independent means being responsible for managing their meds.
The first year of college is not a good time for kids to go off medication that’s been working—because they’re careless or they’re experimenting. Making sure your child has the knowledge and preparation to maintain her own medication regimen can mean the difference between a strong start and a hard landing.
The first weeks of college are full of new information. Just trying to remember where your classes are, let alone figuring out a totally new schedule, is a lot to handle. In short: Not the time to start figuring out how to manage medications.
Instead, help kids start building skills well in advance so that by the time freshman year arrives, the habits are old hat. “My approach starts well before college,” says Allison Baker, MD, a child and adolescent psychiatrist.
Dr. Baker recommends that beginning junior year kids start learning to manage their own medication. “When kids are comfortable and familiar with managing their own meds, including calling the pharmacy or their therapist to ask for a refill, they’re much more skillful and likely to maintain good practices when they get to college.”
The first step is to foster independence by putting kids in charge of making sure they take their meds everyday, but with safeguards in place:
College is a time for socializing and experimentation, and a lot of the time that means parties and other gatherings where drinking is the norm. For kids who take medication that reacts badly with alcohol, this can be a serious issue. Having a conversation about making responsible choices is vital. For starters, kids need to know if their medication will make alcohol affect them more than it does other kids.
“I do a lot of education around what happens if you’re on various medications and alcohol comes in the mix,” says Dr. Baker. “I explain that some medications potentiate the effects of alcohol, which means you’ll get drunk much more quickly than your peers.”
Discuss the dangers of mixing medication and alcohol, but don’t be sensational. “Be realistic,” says Dr. Baker. “Be transparent and above board. Fear tactics don’t work. So it’s not saying ‘You can never, ever have a beer at a frat party,’ but thinking about ways they can take care of themselves and still have a college experience. ”
Taking drugs without a prescription is dangerous for anyone, but can be even more so for kids who are already taking medications. It’s important to talk to college students about why they should not take other drugs.
Be frank and specific about the potential for harm: “Smoking pot is bad for you” doesn’t hold the same weight as “Smoking pot could cause a serious reaction with your medication in the following ways…” Having details and clear reasons to fall back on can help kids make good decisions when potentially dangerous situations arise.
No sharing: It’s no secret that some medications, particularly stimulants, are in demand on college campuses. The practice is so common that sharing or selling medication can seem like no big deal. Talk to your kids about the consequences of sharing their prescription medications. Among the big ones:
According to Dr. Baker, one of the most important factors in kids feeling competent and independent on the way to college is the way their parents handle the transition.
It’s natural to feel worried when kids go off to school, especially when a kid has struggled with mental illness or learning disabilities, but parents must learn to manage their own worries about kids leaving the nest. This includes—but certainly isn’t limited to—letting kids handle their own meds.
“A lot of parents are anxious about transferring the locus of control,” says Dr. Baker. “And when parents can’t give up control, it becomes harder for kids to learn independence.” Dealing with your own fears and worries about a kid leaving for college is healthy and will have long-term benefits for both you and your child.
Sometimes that’s easier said than done, however. If you’re having a hard time letting go, try building some strategies of your own to help you through the rough patches.
Once the car is unpacked and it’s time to say goodbye, let your kid know you have faith in his abilities. “Trust that kids don’t want to get depressed again, or fail or start having panic attacks. Likewise, they don’t want to harm someone else or get in trouble with the law,” says Dr. Baker. “Most kids are motivated to do the things they have to do to stay safe, and do well.