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A guide to more confident, consistent, and effective parenting
en EspañolKids’ difficult behavior can be a huge challenge for parents. But by using techniques from behavioral therapy, parents can change the way kids react to the things that set them off.
The first step is picking specific behaviors to target. Then, think about what causes the target behaviors. These causes are called triggers or “antecedents.” Often, antecedents are things that parents themselves do. For example, you might notice that your child tends to have a tantrum when you ask them to switch activities. Or you might see that your child doesn’t follow instructions if it’s something they don’t want to do.
The goal is to help children improve their behavior by using more helpful antecedents. For instance, a positive antecedent that helps kids with transitions is counting down to them so they have time to adjust. To help kids follow instructions, you might try giving them choices (“Do you want a shower after dinner or before?”), and not asking too much when your child is hungry, tired, or distracted.
When kids act out in a minor way, ignoring it usually works best. And if you do use punishment, it should happen right away and happen the same way every time. Punishments like yelling and spanking can actually reinforce misbehavior because they give the child attention. It usually works better to use a short time-out, which takes your attention away from the child.
Most importantly, give your child clear, specific rules about what is okay and what isn’t. And give them lots of praise when they behave well. In most cases of minor misbehavior, waiting for your child do something positive (like stop yelling) and then immediately giving them positive attention will help them learn to behave better over time.
One of the biggest challenges parents face is managing difficult or defiant behavior on the part of children. Whether they’re refusing to put on their shoes, or throwing full-blown tantrums, you can find yourself at a loss for an effective way to respond.
For parents at their wits’ end,behavioral therapy
techniques can provide a road map to calmer, more consistent ways to manage problem behaviors and offers a chance to help children develop gain thedevelopmental
skills they need to regulate their own behaviors.
To understand and respond effectively to problematic behavior, you have to think about what came before it as well as what comes after it. There are three important aspects to any given behavior:
The first step in a good behavior management plan is to identify target behaviors. These behaviors should be specific (so everyone is clear on what is expected), observable, and measurable (so everyone can agree whether or not the behavior happened).
An example of poorly defined behavior is “acting up,” or “being good.” A well-defined behavior would be running around the room (bad) or starting homework on time (good).
Antecedents come in many forms. Some prop up bad behavior, others are helpful tools that help parents manage potentially problematic behaviors before they begin and bolster good behavior.
Here are some antecedents that can bolster good behavior:
Not all consequences are created equal. Some are an excellent way to create structure and help kids understand the difference between acceptable behaviors and unacceptable behaviors while others have the potential to do more harm than good. As a parent having a strong understanding of how to intelligently and consistently use consequences can make all the difference.
Consequences that are more effective begin with generous attention to the behaviors you want to encourage.
By bringing practicing behavioral tools management at home, parents can make it a much more peaceful place to be.
Parents can improve problem behavior at home using techniques from behavioral therapy, which can change the way kids act. Maybe your child tends to have a tantrum when you ask them to switch activities. To help, you might try counting down, so they have time to adjust.
When it comes to improving bad behavior at home, parents should know that positive reinforcement of good behaviors works better than punishment. Also, try not to ask too much when your child is hungry, tired, or distracted.
Active ignoring can help improve bad behavior — but only when kids act out in a minor way. Active ignoring means deliberately withdrawing your attention when a child misbehaves and then giving positive attention as soon as the desired behavior starts.
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