Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a specific kind of major depressive disorder in which the symptoms present with a “seasonal pattern.” For kids with SAD, the onset of a depressive episode occurs repeatedly at a particular time of the year, such as winter. When the season changes, the symptoms most often subside.
The biggest sign of seasonal affective disorder is a major change in mood that happens along with a change in seasons. A depressed child will usually feel sad or irritable for no reason and lose interest in things they normally enjoy. Other symptoms include:
These changes last for at least two weeks and they go away when the season changes again. Most people with seasonal affective disorder experience it in the fall and winter, but it can happen in the spring and summer too.
To be diagnosed with seasonal affective disorder, kids have to show several of the above symptoms for at least two weeks. The pattern of depression that comes and goes with the seasons also has to happen for at least two years for it to be considered seasonal affective disorder instead of another kind of depression.
Often, the recommended treatment for seasonal affective disorder is cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). CBT teaches kids how their thoughts shape their feelings and behaviors. The therapist will also encourage them to return to activities they liked in the past, stay active, and spend time outside. This is called behavioral activation.
In some cases, medication is used in combination with therapy. The most common medications prescribed for seasonal affective disorder are selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). These medications can have side effects, but they are safe for children to use with proper care from their doctor.
Some people with seasonal affective disorder also find light therapy helpful. Light therapy involves looking at a special lamp that mimics sunlight, which can help people who get depressed at times of year when there is less daylight.