Drugs & Alcohol
Learn about the types of substances teens today are likely to turn to, how to talk to them about it, and the links between substance use and mental health.

About Teen Drug & Alcohol Use
Teenagers and young adults may turn to drugs or alcohol as a way to relax, feel comfortable socially, relieve anxiety, or escape emotional or physical pain. Identifying and treating mental health disorders can reduce substance abuse. Similarly, reducing substance use can improve treatment outcomes for mental health disorders.
Drugs, Alcohol, and Teenagers: The Basics
Even if you don’t think your child is likely to engage in drug or alcohol use, it’s important to know what signs to look for and what conversations to have.
Common Teen Substance Use Issues
Marijuana and alcohol are the most common substances teens use. Here’s what you need to know, and how to talk to your kids about it.
Newer Substances on the Teen Scene
Marijuana and alcohol aren’t the only options for teens today. Stay informed about what newer substances are out there.
Substance Use and Teenagers’ Mental Health
When young people don’t receive treatment for a mental health disorder they are struggling with, they may turn to drugs or alcohol to feel better. Substance use can also pose a risk for developing a mental health disorder.
Drugs & Alcohol
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