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Neurodivergent Kids and Screen Time

Embracing the benefits while building a balance

Writer: Katherine Martinelli

Clinical Experts: Cynthia Martin, PsyD , Dave Anderson, PhD

en Español

When it comes to screens, advice from experts tends to emphasize their dangers to kids, and how parents can limit them.  

But not all kids (or screens) are alike, and there is a growing conversation about the positive role screens can play specifically for children who are neurodivergent. Benefits for neurodivergent kids — including those who are on the autism spectrum or have ADHD or a learning disorder — range from the social to the academic. In a world that wasn’t built for neurodivergent thinkers, technology can provide a safe and comforting space for differently wired kids to explore, learn, be themselves, and find their niche.

“There’s certainly a lot of benefit to screens,” notes Cynthia Martin, PsyD, senior director of the Autism Center at the Child Mind Institute. But she cautions against leaning too heavily on technology: “There’s a lot of benefit, and then there’s simultaneously this vulnerability for a high level of addiction and for getting in situations where you actually do have risk to your safety.”

Understanding both the benefits and risks can help guide families to find the right balance for their child’s individual needs.

Benefits of screens for neurodivergent kids

“What the research shows is that screen-based activities, whether it’s playing games online with other kids or using screens for education, have clear benefits for kids,” says Dave Anderson, PhD, a senior psychologist at the Child Mind Institute.

These benefits can significantly enhance learning, socialization, and overall well-being:

  • Regulation: For many neurodivergent children, screens can offer a sense of safety and predictability in an overwhelming world. Engaging with familiar content can be soothing and help manage anxiety.
  • Social connection: Technology allows children to connect with like-minded peers from near and far, fostering friendships that may not be possible in traditional settings.
  • Communication without pressure: Many neurodivergent kids find it easier to communicate through screens, as it removes some of the neurotypical social norms and pressures of face-to-face interactions. In one study, autistic students reported higher quality friendships because of social media.
  • Social skills: By removing some of those pressures, technology can help neurodivergent kids build social skills, whether it’s learning customs and etiquette from a television show or collaborating and working through conflict while chatting and playing a video game.
  • Exploration of interests: Screens provide opportunities for children to dive deep into their passions — from PokĂ©mon to aviation — helping them develop skills and confidence in areas where they excel.
  • Gamified learning: For kids who have learning challenges or have a hard time sitting through traditional lessons, gamified educational programs can often engage them in ways the classroom can’t.
  • Accessibility: Technologies such as speech-to-text, text-to-speech, and augmentative and alternative communication devices (AACs) provide much-needed accommodations for students who may have trouble with reading, writing, or verbal communication.
  • Sense of control: Choosing what to watch or what video game character to play can give neurodivergent kids a much-needed sense of control, which has been shown to be protective against depression and anxiety.
  • Executive function: Technology — from online calendars and planners to being able to set multiple alarms and reminders — can be a lifesaver for anyone who struggles with executive function.
  • Life skills: Technology like gamified learning, virtual reality, augmented reality, and artificial intelligence has been shown to be effective in teaching autistic kids life skills ranging from personal health and hygiene to transportation and map reading.
  • Vocational: A child who spends a lot of time on the computer may actually be building their marketable job skills. “Things like coding, programming, computer science, video game design — being really good in certain screen-based things can lead to functional vocational paths for kids with a variety of different profiles,” observes Dr. Martin.

Common screen time concerns

“One problem with screens is that most of the critical developmental tasks for young kids are dependent on face-to-face interaction with the world,” explains Dr. Anderson. “So, it’s not that we think that the screens are inherently harmful. It’s more that we’re worried about what screen time displaces in the rest of the child’s life.”

Screen time is negatively impacting a child if it is interfering with basic life functions like personal hygiene, physical activity, schoolwork, or personal relationships. Maladaptive screen use can also be indicative of depression or burnout. “Basically, screens become a problem when they’re a problem,” says Dr. Martin. “I’ve seen some kids who are so engrossed in their screen-based activities that they’re not doing anything else that they need to be doing.”

Some common concerns include:

  • Addiction: A recent survey from the Child Mind Institute revealed that parents of tweens and teens are now more concerned about internet addiction than substance addiction. And studies have shown that individuals with ADHD may be at a higher risk for screen-related addiction, and that in turn excessive screen time may exacerbate ADHD symptoms.
  • Decreased focus: Excessive screen use can impair attention spans, making it difficult for children to concentrate on non-preferred activities.
  • Sleep issues: The blue light emitted by screens can disrupt circadian rhythms, making it harder for kids to fall asleep. Overuse of screens, particularly before bedtime, can interfere with sleep quality and duration, leading to fatigue and mood disturbances.
  • Cyberbullying: Neurodivergent kids are at a higher risk for both in-person and cyberbullying, which can severely affect their mental health. For autistic and other neurodivergent kids who are often concrete, literal thinkers, the realm of text messages and social media can be trickier to navigate. Kids may not realize that others are making fun of or taking advantage of them.
  • Risky situations: If adults can experience catfishing and other internet deceptions, then kids are also at risk. Especially for kids who are prone to vulnerability in in-person situations, Dr. Martin says, “there needs to be really clear rules and monitoring around the screen usage,” warns Dr. Martin.
  • Physical activity: If a child is spending too much time with a device, then they may not be getting a healthy amount of physical activity, which is essential for both overall wellbeing.

Finding a Balance

Finding the right balance for a particular child is not as simple as deciding on a certain amount of time. Even the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) has rejected recommendations for specific time limits in favor of a more nuanced approach. “We might wish for a simple solution or set of rules to follow, like the 2-hour screen time limit recommended in years past,” says the AAP. “But these don’t address all of the things children and teens need to have a healthy relationship with media and to maintain emotional well-being.”

Tips for managing screen time with neurodivergent kids:

  • Observe: Before jumping to judge a child’s screen usage, take some time to observe their habits and how they respond to different types of media. Perhaps YouTube produces addictive behaviors and dysregulation, while talking on Discord while playing video games makes them feel more connected.
  • Play or watch with them: Get a Roblox or Minecraft account, or watch that YouTube clip or their favorite show together. It will give you helpful insight into their interests and motivations and offer a bonding opportunity — plus you may be pleasantly surprised to see them actually learning and practicing skills.
  • Communicate: If you have concerns, try addressing them first so they understand the reasoning. Something like, “Hey, I’ve noticed that you get really sucked into TikTok. Platforms like that are designed to deliver a constant stream of dopamine hits, so it’s understandable. It can be hard to strike a healthy balance and it seems like you haven’t been outside as much.”
  • Scaffold: Rather than making strict limits, try help the child learn to recognize their own limits. When they’re grown, you won’t be around to monitor their usage so it’s important they gain the ability to self-monitor.
  • Establish stopping points: Collaborate with your child to establish agreed-upon stopping points for screen time, so they feel involved in the decision-making process.
  • Provide warnings: Offer clear warnings as screen time approaches its end, giving children the opportunity to prepare for the transition.
  • Flexibility: Allow some flexibility as children find their natural stopping points, respecting their autonomy while guiding them toward balance.
  • Set an example: Kids aren’t the only ones who have a hard time setting screen limits. If you are glued to your phone, it can look hypocritical to ask your child to put down theirs. Model the habits you’d like them to learn.
  • Monitor activities: Keep track of what your child is engaging with online, to ensure that they are interacting with age-appropriate and safe content.
  • Encourage alternative activities: Promote a variety of activities beyond screens, such as sports, art, and social gatherings.
  • Recognize emotional needs: Understand that children may use screens as a coping mechanism and work together to find healthy alternatives when possible. But if they’ve been working extra hard to keep it together all day at school, for example, screens may offer a welcome and helpful reprieve.

By fostering open communication, setting boundaries, and recognizing individual needs, parents can help their children build a healthy relationship with technology. “We just want to be thinking about balance,” says Dr. Anderson. “If kids are academically engaged, involved in extracurricular activities, and getting enough sleep and exercise, we can often become a lot less worried about the screen time issue.”

Frequently Asked Questions

Does screen time cause ADHD?
Is screen time good for autism?
Does screen time cause autism?
This article was last reviewed or updated on October 31, 2024.